New Technologies in Large Combustion Plasma Cutting Tubes


Robert Woods

Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology have successfully tested a new cutting torch that enhances the cutting capabilities of both plasma cutting torches and plasma cutting tools. The result is a more efficient and quicker cutting time for both cutting torches and cutting tools.

These improvements are important as it will reduce the time that is needed to cut the wood and much more. The reason is that the cutting torch is used to heat the material that needs to be cut, which in turn allows the faster cutting time.

The improvement also allows the torches to be used for longer without degrading the quality of the fire. The reason is that the length of time the fire is kept burning is only as long as is necessary for the thickness of the wood that is to be cut.

The research team went on to say that the improvements are all designed around the principle of chemical etching, in other words a chemical etching tool that can be used to create deep grooves that enable more heat to be generated. The chemical etching tool can be used in the cutting torches as well as the plasma cutting torches. The success of the latter application will depend on the type of plasma cutter that is used as well as the quality of the fuel that is used.

“This is a completely new concept,” said researcher Jeroen S.M. Nieuwoudt from Eindhoven University of Technology. “We have known for years that the best material to be used for the etching of fiber optics is wood. This is an excellent material to be able to produce the lightest bulbs.”

boards and frames, photographic paper, and synthetic polymer composites. Nieuwoudt oscillated between the idea of wood to be the best material to use, and synthetic polymer to be the best material to use, based on the structure of the wood.

The team also includes investigating braches in order to produce an etching that is of high quality. Broadly, the bulb tips of wood and chicory wood are available. The advantage is that these types of bulbs are available year-to-year and can be easily bought.

Their working principle is that, instead of heating the fiber to produce light, it heats up the bulb bracing instead. When the bulb is heated, it does not produce light. They have a higher output of around 10-15 lumens of white light. These also have a mono built in feature so that the only light that the user needs to worry about is the one that the fuel injector might produce. The fuel injector is a separate component from the bulb.

The biggest leap forward with regards to production is the use of dye sublimation photoscopiers. With this particular technology, the plastic bulb is used, followed by a metal bulb which is used as the photo cell. The quality of the photocell depends on the intensity of the dye which is stored inside of the bulb. The red Dyes are used to make the main colors, namely red and orange. The yellow Dyes are used for blue tones while green Dyes are used for green colors. The combination of these Dyes will allow for the figurative mapping that is used for the fiber optics.

There are a number of specialists that can create custom maps for specific lighting conditions, such as floodlights. Emergency service crews, first responders, and homeowners who do not want to have their homes turned into crime scenes during night hours will be glad that they can make use of these specialized dyes. While the technology is available to produce accurate images, it is expensive. Insurance companies usually make the last mile in either case.